assertions = class Assertions(__builtin__.object)
     Methods defined here:
assert_call_nothing_raised(self, *args, **kw_args)
Deprecated. Use assert_nothing_raised_call().
assert_call_raise(self, *args, **kw_args)
Deprecated. Use assert_raise_call().
assert_callable(self, object, message=None)
Passes if callable(object) returns True.
  assert_callable(lambda: 1) # => pass
  assert_callable("string")  # => fail
assert_equal(self, expected, actual, message=None)
Passes if expected == actual.
  assert_equal(5, 2 + 3) # => pass
assert_exists(self, path)
Passes if path exists.
  assert_exists("/tmp/exist")        # => pass
  assert_exists("/tmp/nonexistence") # => fail
assert_false(self, expression, message=None)
Passes if expression is false value.
  assert_false(False) # => pass
  assert_false("")    # => pass
assert_hasattr(self, object, name, message=None)
Passes if hasattr(object, name) returns True.
  assert_hasattr("string", "strip")   # => pass
  assert_hasattr("string", "unknown") # => fail
assert_in_delta(self, expected, actual, delta, message=None)
Passes if (expected - delta) <= actual <= (expected + delta).
  assert_in_delta(3, 3.01, 0.001) # => pass
assert_kernel_symbol(self, name)
Passes if /proc/kallsyms can be opened and name is in the list.
  assert_kernel_symbol("printk")       # => pass
                                            # returns an address of printk
  assert_kernel_symbol("non_existent") # => fail
assert_match(self, pattern, target, message=None)
Passes if re.match(pattern, target) doesn't return None.
  assert_match("abc", "abcde") # => pass
  assert_match("abc", "deabc") # => fail
assert_none(self, expression, message=None)
Passes if expression is None.
  assert_none(None) # => pass
assert_not_equal(self, not_expected, actual, message=None)
Passes if not_expected != actual.
  assert_not_equal(-5, 2 + 3) # => pass
assert_not_exists(self, path)
Passes if path doesn't exists.
  assert_not_exists("/tmp/nonexistence") # => pass
  assert_not_exists("/tmp/exist")        # => fail
assert_not_found(self, pattern, target, message=None)
Passes if, target) returns None.
  assert_search("abc", "deABC") # => pass
  assert_search("abc", "deabc") # => fail
assert_not_match(self, pattern, target, message=None)
Passes if re.match(pattern, target) returns None.
  assert_not_match("abc", "deabc") # => pass
  assert_not_match("abc", "abcde") # => fail
assert_not_none(self, expression, message=None)
Passes if expression is not None.
  assert_not_none("not none") # => pass
assert_nothing_raised_call(self, callable_object, *args, **kw_args)
Passes if callable_object(*args, **kw_args) raises nothing exception
and returns called result.
  assert_nothing_raised_call(lambda: 1)                # => pass
                                                            # => returns 1
  assert_nothing_raised_call(lambda: unknown_variable) # => fail
assert_open_file(self, name, *args)
Passes if open(name, *args) succeeds.
  file = assert_open_file("/tmp/exist", "w") # => pass
  assert_open_file("/tmp/nonexistence")      # => fail
assert_raise_call(self, exception, callable_object, *args, **kw_args)
Passes if callable_object(*args, **kw_args) raises exception and
returns raised exception value.
                         lambda: unknown_variable) # => pass
                                                   # => returns NameError
                                                   #    value
  assert_raise_call(NameError, lambda: 1)     # => fail
Exception instance can be also passed if it's comparable.
  class ComparableError(Exception):
      def __init__(self, message):
          self.message = message
      def __repr__(self):
          return "%s(%r,)" % (type(self).__name__, self.message)
      def __eq__(self, other):
          return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and                           self.message == other.message
  def raise_error():
      raise ComparableError("value")
                         raise_error)              # => pass
                                                   # => returns
                                                   #    ComparableError
                                                   #    value
                         raise_error)              # => fail
assert_run_command(self, command, **kw_args)
Passes if command is successfully ran and returns subprocess.Popen.
  process = assert_run_command(["echo", "123"])    # => pass
  assert_equal("123\n",    # => pass
  assert_run_command("false")                      # => fail
  assert_run_command("unknown-command")            # => fail
assert_search(self, pattern, target, message=None)
Passes if, target) doesn't return None.
assert_search("abc", "deabc") # => pass
assert_search("abc", "deABC") # => fail
assert_search_syslog_call(self, pattern, callable_object, *args, **kw_args)
Passes if, SYSLOG_CONTENT) doesn't return None
after callable_object(*args, **kw_args).
  assert_search_syslog_call("X", syslog.syslog, "XYZ") # => pass
  assert_search_syslog_call("X", syslog.syslog, "ABC") # => fail
assert_true(self, expression, message=None)
Passes if expression is true value.
  assert_true(True)     # => pass
  assert_true("string") # => pass
assert_try_call(self, timeout, interval, callable_object, *args, **kw_args)
Passes if callable_object(*args, **kw_args) doesn't fail any
assertions in <timeout> seconds.
(It will tried <timeout / interval> times.)
  def random_number():
      number = random.randint(0, 9)
      assert_in_delta(5, number, 1)
      return number
  assert_try_call(1, 0.1, random_number) # => will pass
                                              # returns 4, 5 or 6
  assert_try_call(1, 0.1,, "Never succeed") # => fail
fail(self, message)
Always fails with message.
  fail("must not happen!") # => fail
notify(self, message)
Notify a message for the current running test.
  if command_not_found:
      notify("skip due to command not found") # => notify a message
omit(self, message)
Omit the current running test.
  if module_not_found:
      omit("omit due to a module isn't found") # => omit test
pend(self, message)
Pend the current running test.
  pend("module XXX isn't found") # => pend test

Data descriptors defined here:
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
list of weak references to the object (if defined)